Rainbow Crack Tables

Perfect rainbow tables are rainbow tables without identical end points, produced by removing merged rainbow chains in normal rainbow tables. To achieve same success rate, perfect rainbow tables are smaller and faster to lookup than non-perfect rainbow tables. It crack hashes with rainbow tables. RainbowCrack uses time-memory tradeoff algorithm to crack hashes. It differs from brute force hash crackers. A brute force hash cracker generate all possible plaintexts and compute the corresponding hashes on the fly, then compare the hashes with the hash to be cracked.

Rainbow Crack Tables
Developer(s)Zhu Shuanglei
Stable release
Operating systemWindows and Linux
Typepassword cracking

RainbowCrack is a computer program which generates rainbow tables to be used in password cracking. RainbowCrack differs from 'conventional' brute force crackers in that it uses large pre-computed tables called rainbow tables to reduce the length of time needed to crack a password drastically.[1] RainbowCrack was developed by Zhu Shuanglei, and implements an improved time–memory tradeoffcryptanalysis attack which originated in Philippe Oechslin's Ophcrack.[1]


Rainbow Crack Tables 2018

Some organizations have made RainbowCrack's rainbow tables available free over the internet.[2]

See also[edit]

Rainbowcrack rainbow table


  1. ^ ab'Project RainbowCrack = documentation'. Archived from the original on July 5, 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-18.
  2. ^'Password Cracking with Rainbowcrack and Rainbow Tables'. Retrieved 2008-09-18.

Rainbow Table Password Cracking

External links[edit]

Wpa2 Crack Rainbow Tables

  • Project RainbowCrack - Developer's official site.

Rainbow Tables Online

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